Confessions of a Recovering Control Freak
Just let go. Let go of how you thought your life should be, and embrace the life that is trying to work its way into you consciousness.

Just let go. Let go of how you thought your life should be, and embrace the life that is trying to work its way into you consciousness.

Where are all my type-A-cut-and-dry-to-do-list-overachieving-time-planning-expectation-setting people at? Hello. I'm sitting right here. Trying to control what you think about this blog post and how many people might read or share it with their circle of influences in order for me to become a full-time blogger, trying to inspire you to live the greatest, most inspired life you could ever imagine while overcoming and accepting the many life events that made an impact on the badass human you are trying to become.

It's me--Marko. I am a control freak that relinquishes my power to control the outcomes of this crazy life. 

I've spent so much of my life trying to control the outcomes. Whether it is me trying to mediate a difficult conversation with family or friends, fighting for my dream career, curating my "perfect" body (that's not even a thing), or people's perceptions of me. I am tired. I am sick of it. With control, comes expectations, with expectations comes disappointments and stress--the cycle continues until you find yourself stuck not with just two roads diverging but the whole fucking highway system spinning around you with clover leaves and side roads; basically, just waiting to get hit by a car. 

Who feels like this?

Is it just me?

One of my biggest goals in yoga is to "let go." While I try to breathe through the pain of letting go, I have to give up the control. The control of my emotions and leave it up to the freaking universal energy that you may or may not believe in. 

I am sick of timelines, people's expectations, to-do lists, and the constant urgency over "issues" that don't really matter. 

I challenge you, dear readers, to look at your life and controlling tendencies and simplify. Let go of the control and the image of the "perfectly" curated life you made up in your head. Use your present power to fuel your ambitions in this moment. 

Be inspired. Stay Positive. Love Yourself.



P.S.  Okay, you can still use a to-do list and calendar.